
Busy days these.
We've been worker bees the past few.

First there was the time i broke the needle off of our new sewing machine sewing our dividers and it got stuck inside the machine and i had to take the whole thing apart.

Then we made tables with our dads and a real construction worker. You'll see.

Dan Pauk vs. Mike Dellios

Mike doing some of his optiad work


"Need one of these?"
Just a bit of reno work

Sewing machine repaired and primed

Go Kevin! Stencil that.

Dividers finito

Time for hanging - Robin Schurman's work


Our reward came in the form of two lovely cases of wine from the also lovely Reif Estates Winery. See last post for hyperlink.

Cameron's Brewing Company we love you.
Thank you for our new fridge.

Mike, Nicole and I, Oliver having our supper. Ready to wake up early.
